The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing is seeking highly qualified candidates for a one year residential postdoctoral position in the causes, health and behavioral effects, and prevention of and interventions for lifetime trauma and violence. There is the potential for an additional year depending on achievement of goals developed with the mentors completed during the first year. This position is full-time and offers a salary based upon the NIH NRSA postdoctoral scale and based on your level of experience. Currently, the FY 2018 posted base salary is $48,432.00.
This position provides the opportunity for a new post-doctoral researcher to work as a team member/ research assistant on one or more of the multidisciplinary violence and trauma related funded research projects throughout the university. Working as a research assistant, the post-doc will work closely with the Principal Investigator and other members of the research teams while participating in the practical components of the research and advancing the skills and knowledge obtained during their program. The post-doctoral fellow will be mentored by one of the program core faculty in the SON (Campbell, Sharps, Glass) and co-mentored by one of the program core faculty in BSPH or the SOM, as well as attend the weekly interdisciplinary Trauma and Violence Research Seminar. S/he will also be able to take a limited number of classes to advance research skills and knowledge in violence and trauma. In order to apply, please send a CV in current NIH Biosketch format with a full list of publications (under review, accepted for publication and published only) and research presentations attached, a 1 page goal statement for the post-doctoral experience and 2 letters of reference to
To learn more about this Fellowship in Violence Research or other Post-Doctoral opportunities visit the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing website.